
Care and Support

Mass Times

All times listed are in Central Time (CST)



Main Church
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM (Spanish)
6:00 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Main Church
6:00 AM
8:30 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM
6:45 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
10:00 AM Daily Mass


Main Church
5:00 PM Vigil


Watch our Live Stream
Click HERE for Daily Readings


Funeral Planning assists with the planning of the Funeral Mass following the death of a loved one.  Funeral planning can be done at any time. Please contact us for an appointment if you are interested in pre-planning a funeral for yourself or a loved one. For more information, please click the “Funerals” tab next to the Care & Support Tab. 

Scott Broussard
Manager of Liturgy


All men and women who are alcoholics, or think they may have a problem with alcohol, and families of those with this problem are welcome to attend. All inquiries and attendance will be strictly confidential. Come and participate in the grace of recovery by visiting Alcoholics Anonymous on the web at for meeting times and locations near you or by calling the AA Intergroup Houston at 713-686-6300.

AA Website


All family members or friends who have been, or are being affected by someone else’s alcoholism or addiction are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions about this meeting, or problems that you or your family may be experiencing due to alcoholism or addiction, you can contact Joe V. at 713-252-7623 or Debbie B at 407-221-7038. All inquiries and attendance are strictly confidential.



All are welcome on Thursdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in room 120 of the St Teresa Center.

Contact Joe V. Contact Debbie B.

Alzheimer and Dementia Caregiver Support

As a caregiver, you likely have many responsibilities. It is important to take care of your own well-being and to connect with others that understand. Our caregivers group does this, plus offers the support of other caregivers sharing their experiences to help each other on this journey with a loved one.


Being a caregiver is the hardest job that most of us will do in our lifetime, it is full of every emotion you can imagine and some you can’t. It is trying to make rational decisions every day with emotions getting in the way. No one has all the answers to everything, but chances are excellent that another caregiver has had an experience that is similar to yours and can offer things they tried or you can help them with things you have done. Caregiving takes a village with all ways to provide you with tips for taking care of yourself plus providing the best things to keep your loved one safe and well cared for.


Find upcoming meeting dates at

Contact Joan Sabino Contact Darci Tombros

Couple Check-Up

What is the Couple Checkup?
The Couple Checkup is an online assessment tool designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of dating, engaged, or married couples. Couples receive a 15-20 page report on their relationship and can download a free Discussion Guide, designed to help them learn proven relationship skills. Research has shown this process improves relationships by stimulating honest dialogue, increasing understanding, and empowering couples.


Why take the Couple Checkup?
The Couple Checkup will help couples discover their relationship strengths. Strengths are what enable couples to enjoy and continue developing a healthy relationship. It will also help identify issues that are threatening the vitality of their relationship and may need to be addressed.


Who can take the Couple Checkup?
The Couple Checkup can be taken by couples that are dating, engaged, or married. It is designed for any couple desiring to enrich their relationship.


Will the Couple Checkup be relevant for every couple?
After indicating the stage of their relationship, the Couple Checkup will automatically select applicable questions, making the assessment valuable and relevant, as it is tailored to each couple’s relationship stage and structure.


How long does it take to receive the Couple Checkup report?
As soon as both partners have completed their portions of the Couple Checkup, they can login into their account and download, view, or their report.


What feedback does the couple receive?
Each couple receives a 15-20 page report, with their results broken down into relational categories. A Discussion Guide is also available for free PDF download to help them improve their relationship skills.


What topics are covered in the Couple Checkup?
Twenty important relationship areas are explored, including but not limited to:
Conflict Resolution
Financial Management
Relationship Roles
Affection and Sexual Relationship
Couple Closeness and Flexibility
Family Closeness and Flexibility
Family of Origin


Is the Couple Checkup scientifically accurate?
The Couple Checkup is very accurate and is based on the highly respected PREPARE/ENRICH Assessment. The Couple Checkup has high levels of validity and reliability.

Take the Couple Check Up Questions?

King David's Men

Catholic men of St. Anthony of Padua: We are preparing to form a new fellowship at our parish called King David’s Men, a ministry program started in 2013 by the nonprofit counseling organization for Catholics called Gratia Plena. This is a small group designed to support healthy sexual behavior, whether single, engaged or married. As our culture constantly attacks the sanctity of marriage and relationships through pornography, infidelity, and more, it’s more important now than ever for men to be united in fellowship and faith.

Men of this new brotherhood might have already overcome most of these temptations, or they may still be wrestling with them, and may have wondered why God would allow them to have struggled with this area in your life thus far. This group may provide you with the answers and an effective pathway toward healing. Please consider being part and helping begin a transformational process that can have a dramatic and widespread positive impact on our parish community.


‘Take courage, Jesus is calling you” – Mark 10:49

More Information

Nar-Anon en Español

Los Grupos de Familia Nar-Anon son una confraternidad mundial para aquellos afectados por la adicción de otra persona. Este grupo es para aquellos que saben o han conocido un sentimiento de desesperación por el problema de adicción de alguien muy cercano a ti. No tiene costo unirse. No hay registro, cualquiera puede presentarse.


Cuando entras en el grupo familiar, ya no estás solo, sino entre verdaderos amigos que entienden tu problema como pocos podrían hacerlo. Respetamos su confianza y anonimato como sabemos que usted respetará los nuestros. Esperamos darle la seguridad de que ninguna situación es demasiado difícil y ninguna infelicidad es demasiado grande para ser superada.


Todos son bienvenidos los jueves a partir de las 6:00 pm en el salón 209 del  Parish Life Building.

Contactar con Bárbara

Gratia Plena Counseling

Gratia Plena (which means “full of grace” in latin) is a non- profit organization, which offers mental health, couples/marriage, and addiction counseling in service to the Catholic Community. Our mission is to provide counseling services and spiritual direction that is faithful to the teachings, values, and traditions of the Catholic Church. For more information please visit the website or call: 832-532-0129

Gratia Plena Website

Grief Support - ``Helping Our Pain Ease``

About HOPE: Helping Our Pain Ease

HOPE is a 7-week adult informative grief support group offered four times a year. It is a program to assist you with the healing process after the death of a loved one.

All participants must register in advance by calling
Michelle Hebert at 281-433-7779 or Jeannette Strauss at 936-689-9001.

Important Information:
• There is no cost or registration fee involved.
• Each 7-week series is limited to a group of 10 people
• For greatest benefits, participants are encouraged to attend all 7 sessions.

Red Bird Ministries (Infant & Child Loss)

Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic, pro-life/pro-family grief support ministry that focuses on bereaved families who have experienced child loss of any age and circumstance, including pregnancy loss through miscarriage and stillbirth, and after birth as an infant, child, adolescent, or adult.


Red Bird was founded on helping parents address the profound healing that needs to happen while also honoring the memory of the child. Our unique value is in the attention given to protect the individual, the marriage, and other relationships from a spectrum of issues that can compound and lead to dysfunction.


Red Bird Ministries partners with dioceses and parishes to provide the tools and resources to support families who have experienced the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood. They have a number of helpful resources, retreats and more to support families through this difficult journey.

Red Bird Website Respect Life Events

Retrouvaille (Troubled Marriages)

No Marriage Is Beyond Hope


Are you or someone you know struggling in their marriage? Do you wish to regain the spark and joy you once felt at the start of your relationship? Let Retrouvaille be the lifeline of hope for your marriage.


Retrouvaille is a volunteer, peer ministry endorsed by the Archdiocese that has helped thousands of couples rebuild the loving relationships they once had. Whether your marriage needs a refresh or a rescue, Retrouvaille can help you.


For confidential information, please contact or visit

Retrouvaille Website

St. Joseph's Foster Care Ministry

The St. Joseph Ministry works to connect the parish and community resources with vulnerable families and youth in The Woodlands area.  Our team seeks to provide material and emotional support and mentorship to parents, families and youth in a variety of difficult circumstances.

To learn more about the St. Joseph Ministry at St. Anthony of Padua, contact Michelle Lehn. For information about other St. Joseph teams at local parishes, contact Julie Dumalet at the Office of Pro-Life Activities at 713.741.8728 or

Learn More about Foster Care Ministries

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient tradition of mentorship and discipleship in the Christian faith. Spiritual Directors will help you recognize how the Holy Spirit is working in your life and help you deepen your relationship with God. They will help you develop an active prayer life, guiding you in a deeper spirituality. 

Contact Spiritual Direction

We are here to assist you in the planning of the Funeral Mass following the death of a loved one. Before you fill out the Funeral Request Form & Liturgy Selection Form, we ask that you read through the following three documents: ​


Funeral planning can be done at any time. Please contact us for an appointment if you are interested in pre-planning a funeral for yourself or a loved one.


When one of its members dies, the Church encourages the celebration of the Mass.  In the proclamation of the Scriptures, the saving word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit becomes living and active in the minds and hearts of the community. Having been strengthened at the table of God’s word, the community calls to mind God’s saving deeds and offers the Father in the Spirit the Eucharistic sacrifice of Christ’s Passover from death to life, a living sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, of reconciliation and atonement. Communion nourishes the community and expresses its unity.  In communion, the participants have a foretaste of the heavenly banquet that awaits them and are reminded of Christ’s own words: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood shall live forever.” (John 6:55)  Confident in  Jesus’ presence among them in the living word, the living sacrifice, the living meal, those present in union with the whole church offer prayers and petitions for the deceased, whom they entrust to God’s merciful love. – Order of Christian Funerals, #154


Scott Broussard
Manager of Liturgy

Funeral Mass Selections (English)

For the Funeral Mass, you will get to choose the readings and music. Please read through the Liturgy Guide below and make your selections. Once you have made your choices, fill out the selection form below.

Selecciones de Misas Funerarias (Español)

Para la Misa de Funeral, podrás elegir las lecturas y la música. Lea la Guía de Liturgia a continuación y haga sus selecciones. Una vez que haya elegido, complete el formulario de selección a continuación.

Grief Support

H.O.P.E. (Helping Our Pain Ease) is a 7-week grief support group open to all those interested in processing and learning more about coping with the death of a loved one, either recently or in the distant past.  Contact Grief Support, Michelle Hebert at 281-433-7779, for more information.


Four sessions are offered throughout the year, two in the fall and two in the spring.