
Giving To Ministries

General Offertory

The Offertory, or Collection, at Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support from the parishioners, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His Church.

Second Collections

As Catholics, not only do we support our parish family, but also our greater community around us.  The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston second collections allow us to give resources to both our region and the world.  Find the 2025 collection schedule here.

Diocesan Services Fund

The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) is the annual appeal that provides funding for essential ministries and programs that serve the religious, spiritual and human needs of thousands of people from every parish. Catechetical programs, hospital and prison ministries, programs for the aging and youth and many more are made possible by the annual DSF. The campaign ends December 31st. What is the difference between DSF and Offertory?  For more information contact us at (713) 659-5461 or email us at

St. Anthony’s Bread

The St. Anthony’s Bread Food Pantry serves all those who ask for and need food regardless of creed or backrgound. The SAB Food Pantry is open to the public on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. This has become the main food pantry serving the southern portion of Montgomery County and is a partner agency of the Montgomery County Food Bank.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent De Paul helps tackle poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. This is usually provided as short-term assistance to those in crisis in the form of rent assistance, utility bills, or other emergency fundingYou can donate to our local parish chapter and/or the diocesan chapter.

Sponsor a Missionary

Our missionaries work in outdoor clinics, schools, and churches providing medical and dental care for hundreds of villagers in need of attention. Services include: check-ups, consultations, dental extractions and restorations and the distribution of medicines and vitamins. The mission includes Daily Mass, prayer, the sacraments and faith sharing by home visits and catechesis.

Holy Day Collections

The Offertory, or Collection, on Holy Days is an integral part of the liturgy  because it is an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us during Feasts and Holy Days that we are celebrating. It also assists with the additional expenses that are incurred by the parish during these “busier” seasons.

Additional Ministries

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church has approximately 100 active ministries serving the local and global community. In addition to the giving opportunities listed on this page, click the link below to learn of other giving opportunities on our campus including: Prison Ministry, ACTs Retreats, St. Anthony School, St. Anne’s Society, and St. Gianna’s Hope. These ministries are grateful for the support they receive to continue serving in our community.

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