

Mass Times

All times listed are in Central Time (CST)



Main Church
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM (Spanish)
6:00 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Main Church
6:00 AM
8:30 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM
6:45 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
10:00 AM Daily Mass


Main Church
5:00 PM Vigil


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Click HERE for Daily Readings

Altar Servers

Members of the Altar Server Ministry provide respectful and reverent altar service at our Lord’s table during scheduled liturgies. They assist priests and deacons at regular weekend masses, holy days of obligation, weddings, baptism services, confirmation masses and other liturgical functions (Eucharistic Processions, Adoration, etc.) The ministry functions as a 3-tiered program consisting of Altar Servers (Crucifers and Missal Bearers), Candle Bearers, and Senior Servers.


The Altar Server ministry is open to those who have completed the fourth grade, have received their First Holy communion, and are members of a family that is registered in our Parish. 

Contact Frank DeKoster Altar Server Requirements

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the pastor and deacon in distributing Holy Communion. It is a blessing to serve each member of the parish family through the Eucharist. These ministers also bring the sacrament to those who are sick and homebound. In this way, those who are unable to participate in Sunday Mass. Join us at any of our trainings!

Scott Broussard
Manager of Liturgy

EMHC Visitation

This extension of our liturgy permits commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to bring the Blessed Sacrament to those who are homebound or in a hospital setting. Training is required and is offered several times per year. Contact us for more information. 

Contact Brian Hayes

Instituted Acolytes

The Instituted Acolyte is appointed to assist the Deacon and serve the Priest during the Mass. He is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. The primary responsibility is to assist with the purification of vessels used in the distribution of Holy Communion. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.

Scott Broussard
Manager of Liturgy


Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass so as to bring alive the scriptures in the hearts of the faithful gathered. Training is required and provided periodically. If you feel called to proclaim the word through the lector ministry, please contact Scott Broussard for more information.

Scott Broussard
Manager of Liturgy


The Sacristan’s supervises the set-up for Daily and Weekend Masses. They coordinate the Liturgical Ministers (EMHC’s, Ushers, Greeters) who are serving at that specific Mass. The Sacristan is responsible for the set-up and physical arrangement of the Liturgy. Training is required and will be provided. 

Contact Vicky Pafk

Traditional Choir

The Traditional Choir consists of mixed voices singing 4-part harmony, leading the assembly in song with everything from traditional hymnody to Gregorian chant accompanied by the organ or piano along with various classical stringed and wind instruments.


Participation in the choir requires singers to match pitch with the ability to blend vocally with other voices. All members are expected to attend a weekly rehearsal and a warm-up before their assigned Mass.  The ability to read music is a plus for vocalists, but not a necessity.


Adults and teens with a servant’s heart who desire to use their talents to glorify God in sung prayer are encouraged to join.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is an audition-based choir consisting of mixed voices singing up to 8-part harmonies. The repertoire consists of everything from traditional hymnody to Gregorian chant accompanied by the organ or acapella.


Participation in the choir requires singers to read music and match pitch with the ability to blend vocally with other voices. All members are expected to attend scheduled rehearsals and a warm-up before their assigned Mass.  Annual auditions are conducted at the beginning of each choir season.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Contemporary Choir

The Contemporary Choir consists of mixed voices singing 2-3-part harmony, leading the assembly in song with a blend of contemporary hymns and modern worship music accompanied by the piano, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, strings, and percussion.


Participation in the choir requires singers to match pitch with the ability to blend vocally with other voices. All members are expected to attend a weekly rehearsal and a warm-up before their assigned Mass. The ability to read music is a plus for vocalists, but not a necessity. However, instrumentalists are required to read lead sheets.


Adults and teens with a servant’s heart who desire to use their talents to glorify God in sung prayer are encouraged to join.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Modern Worship Ensemble

The Modern Worship Ensemble consists of mixed voices singing 2-3-part harmony, leading the assembly in song with modern worship music accompanied by piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums.


Participation in the choir requires singers to match pitch with the ability to blend vocally with other voices. All members are expected to attend a weekly rehearsal and a warm-up before their assigned Mass. The ability to read music is a plus for vocalists, but not a necessity. However, instrumentalists are required to read lead sheets.


Teens and young adults with a servant’s heart who desire to use their talents to glorify God in sung prayer are encouraged to join.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Luz y Sal

Nuestro coro español, Luz y Sal, cantará en la Misa del domingo 1:00 PM en Español. Si usted está interesado en unirse, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Our Spanish Choir, Luz y Sal, sing at the Sunday 1:00 PM Spanish Mass. If you are interested in joining, please contact us. 

Contacto Luz y Sal

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir consists of 12 ringers using 3 octaves of Schulmerich bells, accompanying the assembly’s sung prayer throughout the liturgy.


Participation in the bell choir requires the ability to read music. All members are expected to attend a weekly rehearsal and a warm-up before their assigned Mass.


Adults and teens with a servant’s heart who desire to use their talents to glorify God in sung prayer are encouraged to join.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Children's Choir

The Children’s Choir consists of mixed voices in grades 4-8, leading the assembly in song with a blend of traditional and contemporary music.


This is an excellent opportunity for young musicians to make new friends, learn about music, and serve the Lord with their gifts!

Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Resurrection Choir

The Resurrection Choir consists of mixed voices singing 2-4-part harmony, performing one of the great corporal works of mercy as they serve families leading the gathered assembly in sung prayer for the funeral of their loved one. The commitment is minimal, consisting of just one monthly rehearsal during the day and serving at funerals as often as one’s schedule permits.


Participation in the choir requires singers to match pitch with the ability to blend vocally with other voices. All members are expected to attend a rehearsal prior to the funeral service to participate.  The ability to read music is a plus, but not a necessity.


Adults with a servant’s heart who desire to use their talents to glorify God in sung prayer are encouraged to join.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager


Instrumentalists play a critical role accompanying the choir and assembly’s sung prayer throughout the liturgy. Organ and piano serve as the foundational instruments for all ensembles while the addition of string, wind, brass and percussion instruments help provide additional support for the assembly and help to elevate the liturgy.


Qualified instrumentalists need to possess basic music reading skills, the ability to maintain pitch and tempo with an ensemble or a soloist. Auditions are required.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager


Cantors play an integral role within the liturgy by proclaiming the psalms and serving as the principal enabler of the assembly’s sung prayer throughout the liturgy.


Qualifications include basic music reading skills, the ability to maintain pitch and tempo, sing with clear diction and possess the ability to inspire the congregation to sing. Spiritual and musical preparation is essential to fulfilling this ministry effectively. Auditions are required.

Chris Nolin
Music Manager


The A/V Ministry is responsible for the seamless execution of liturgical services and plays a vital role in creating a conducive environment for worship. Ministers operate the soundboard and project the lyrics during Mass to encourage the assembly to actively participate by enhancing the spiritual experience for parishioners.
Adults and teens with a servant’s heart who enjoy working with technology desiring to use their gifts to glorify God are encouraged to join.
Chris Nolin
Music Manager

Fellowship Sunday

Fellowship Sunday is a great opportunity for our parish to come together after Mass and enjoy some donuts, coffee, and community! Come meet some new friends, and learn about the various ministries and events going on in our Parish. If you would like to volunteer for Fellowship Sunday, contact Danel Brodie.

Danel Brodie
Coordinator of Outreach and Organizations


Paduan Ambassadors

Paduan Ambassadors are people who have a heart for people and want to welcome and serve our parishioners and visitors. Paduan Ambassadors can serve in a multitude of ways all with the central notion of being Ambassadors for Christ. Contact us for more information and volunteer opportunities. 

Embajadores de Padua son personas que tienen un corazón para la gente y quieren dar la bienvenida y servir a nuestros feligreses y visitantes. Embajadores de Padua pueden servir en multitud de maneras, todos con la noción central de ser embajadores de Cristo. Contacte con nosotros para más información y oportunidades de voluntariado.

Parish Office


We believe that the ministry of ushering is a calling that requires a compassionate heart, a servant’s attitude, and a commitment to creating an inclusive and inviting atmosphere. Our ushers undergo training and receive guidance to ensure they are equipped to fulfill their duties effectively and with grace. We welcome individuals of all ages and backgrounds who are eager to extend a warm hand of welcome to those around them.

Contact Ushers

Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass so as to bring alive the scriptures in the hearts of the faithful gathered. Training is required and provided periodically. If you feel called to proclaim the word through the lector ministry, please contact the individual group leaders. 


4th Grade – 8th Grade Students may read at Children’s Liturgy of the Word on 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at the 9am & 11am Masses in Sheltz Hall. They may also read the 4th Sunday of the month at the 9am Mass.

Contact Jennifer Domilise


The Teen Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Sunday 6:00PM Life Teen Mass. Teens must be in high school to Lector (9th-12th Grade). 

Paige Ingersoll
Youth Minister


Adult (English)

All Catholics in good standing that are 18 years & older may join our lector ministry. Lectors are scheduled to proclaim the Word of God at all regular weekend and holiday Masses. 

Contact Jacki Martini

Adulto (Español)

Todos los Católicos que hayan cumplido con los Sacramentos de 18 años en adelante pueden unirse a nuestro Ministerio de Lectores. Los Lectors proclaman la Palabra de Dios en Español cada Domingo a la 1:00pm en la misa de Español y en Misas de Fiesta ofrecidas en Español. 

Contacto Juan Huerta

Mass Times


7:00 AM, 9:00 AM Live Stream
11:00 AM Live Stream, 1:00 PM Spanish
6:00 PM LifeTeen Live Strea


9:00 AM

Tue, Thu

6:45 AM


6:45 AM


6:45 AM