

Mass Times

All times listed are in Central Time (CST)



Main Church
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM (Spanish)
6:00 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Main Church
6:00 AM
8:30 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM
6:45 PM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
9:00 AM



Our Lady of the Angels Chapel
10:00 AM Daily Mass


Main Church
5:00 PM Vigil


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Congratulations on your decision to enter Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. We at St. Anthony of Padua welcome you and rejoice with you! The celebration you are planning and the lifelong commitment you are choosing to make are signs of God’s great love for us all. We are here to support you and guide you through your preparation.


The first step for preparing for your wedding is to read through the Marriage FAQs (below). Then, fill out a Request for Marriage. We cannot discuss available ceremony dates or marriage preparation until this request is complete!


If you are married civilly and would like to be married in the Catholic Church, please read FAQ #8.

Katie Krall
Manager of Adult Faith Formation & Sacraments

Carol Wolfe
Coordinator of Marriage


1. When should I contact the Church? What days can I get married in the Church?

You should contact us 1 year in advance of your desired wedding date. Please secure your wedding date with us before securing your reception venue and vendors.


Weddings are held in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel (seats 350) on:

  • Saturdays at 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm


Very small weddings may be held in the Adoration Chapel (seats 40) on:

  • Saturdays at 11:30 am


Very large weddings may be held in the Main Church (seats1,200) on:

  • Saturdays at 2:00 pm


Other things to consider when choosing a wedding date and location:

  • Weddings are typically held on Saturdays. Weddings may also be scheduled on Fridays, depending on availability. We are unable to accommodate weddings on other weekdays. No weddings can be scheduled on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, Parish holidays or Archdiocesan holidays.
  • Weddings held during the liturgical seasons of Advent (the month preceding Christmas) and Lent (the 40 days preceding Easter) will reflect the nature of these more subdued seasons. Practically speaking, your floral and church decoration will be less elaborate, your music selections may be limited, and your choice of readings may be limited.
  • The Adoration Chapel does not have an organ or piano, so please plan accordingly.

2. What are the costs involved for a wedding and/or marriage preparation?

Church Reservation Fees


  • A $100 deposit is required to reserve your wedding date
  • Wedding in the Our Lady of the Angels Chapel (holds 350 guests): $1000
  • Wedding in the Adoration Chapel (holds 40 guests): $500
  • Wedding in the Main Church (holds 1,200 guests): $1500


Marriage Preparation Fees

  • Separate Prepare/Enrich Online Assessment Fee (required for all couples preparing at St. Anthony’s): $35.00
  • Marriage Preparation Only Fee (Domestic): $200.00 (for couples preparing at St. Anthony’s, but marrying elsewhere within the United States
  • Marriage Preparation Only Fee (International): $300.00 (for couples preparing at St. Anthony’s, but marrying elsewhere outside the United States)


Other Costs

  • Presider: $ TBD by the couple. This is a gift of appreciation to the priest or deacon presiding at your wedding

  • Music & A/V Technician Fees: Varies. These depend on the type and number of musicians you will have at your wedding and the complexity of the A/V set up needed.

  • Altar Server: $25 (for Marriage within Mass)

  • Natural Family Planning class (optional, but highly recommended): prices vary by provider.

  • Other costs may be incurred if you choose to complete marriage preparation at another parish, through a retreat, or through an online provider.

3. How long does it take to prepare for marriage?

Marriage preparation takes at least 8 months to complete if you prepare for marriage and have your wedding ceremony at St. Anthony’s. If you plan to marry elsewhere, you must add 1-3 months to the timeline, depending on the location of your wedding. (Weddings held in another diocese, another state, or another country add to the time needed to process documents.)


There are several steps involved in marriage preparation. We will guide you through each step, so you do not feel overwhelmed. Unless otherwise noted, all of the elements of marriage preparation are conducted on-site at St. Anthony’s. This will total 8-12 in-person meetings on the St. Anthony’s campus. If you do not live near St. Anthony’s, we recommend that you complete your preparation at the Catholic parish near your residence.


  • The key parts of preparation are as follows (not in any particular order):
  • Attend a Wedding Day Orientation (if wedding is at St. Anthony’s).
  • Take an online Prepare/Enrich assessment and meet with a facilitator to discuss your strength and growth areas as a couple.
  • Meet with a deacon to discuss what is expected in Catholic marriages and complete some documentation establishing your freedom to marry.
  • Attend a 3-part series of life skills sessions, led by mentor couples, to help you build a strong and holy marriage. (Held on Sunday afternoons, 4 series per year)
  • Attend a 1-day retreat and Mass to understand the sacramental and covenantal nature of Catholic marriage. (Held on Saturdays, 4 times per year)\
  • Take a Natural Family Planning Class (offered by third party providers – online or at alternate locations).
  • Gather and submit any necessary documents.
  • Plan your wedding liturgy and meet with the presider of your ceremony.


There is no “expedited” timeline for marriage preparation. The process relies on a group of clergy, staff, and volunteers who are dedicated to giving you every tool necessary to build a holy, lasting marriage. Give yourself the gift of time to properly prepare for the rest of your life.

4. Can we have a priest come and marry us at our reception venue?

No. Catholic marriage is a sacrament and so it is celebrated within the context of a sanctuary. In exceptional cases, with grave reason, you could be granted special dispensation from the bishop to have your wedding in a church or oratory that is approved by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Approval for this request takes time and is rarely granted.

5. I am Catholic but my fiancé is not. Can we still get married in the Catholic Church?

Yes. This is called a “mixed marriage.” The Catholic will be asked to make the following declaration and promise:

  • “I reaffirm my faith in Jesus Christ and with God’s help I intend to continue living that faith in the Catholic Church.”
  • “I promise to do all in my power to share the faith I have received with our children by having them baptized and reared as Catholics.”


The non-Catholic must be informed of this declaration and promise. During your marriage preparation, we will help you complete the necessary documentation and obtain the dispensation required by the Archdiocese.

6. Can a Catholic priest, not from this parish, come and marry us?

Yes! You will need to confirm that the priest or deacon is available for your wedding date and assist with any travel or accommodations for him. Please have the priest or deacon contact the Marriage Preparation Coordinator so we can secure the proper delegation for him to preside at your marriage ceremony. The priest or deacon will also need to secure a Letter of Suitability from his Diocese or Superior.

7. Can I provide my own musician(s) at my wedding ceremony? Can I choose whatever music I like best?

With the approval of the Music Department, an outside musician will be able to participate. While we are open to relatives/friends serving as guest cantors/song leaders, we do have a few guidelines that accompany that privilege. A St. Anthony of Padua staff accompanist and cantor must be present. They will be responsible for singing the Proper & Ordinary parts of the liturgy (Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Eucharistic Acclamations, etc.) and the Responsorial Psalm. This is done first and foremost to ensure liturgical soundness and to alleviate potential stress for guest musicians/singers. Guest singers are permitted to sing processional/recessional hymns, offertory hymns, communion hymns, or a Marian hymn (for presentation of flowers to Our Lady).


For your ceremony, we hope that you choose music that you like, while keeping in mind that your marriage ceremony is a sacred liturgy. As such, all music in the marriage ceremony is a prayer offered to God and must therefore be appropriate to the celebration and express the faith of the Church. We will provide you with guidelines to help you choose music that you love and that gives honor and glory to God.

8. I am married civilly OR I am divorced and re-married civilly and am now looking for the Catholic church to “Bless our Marriage.” Where do I start?

Since Convalidation marks the beginning of your sacramental marriage, the preparation for it will be very similar to the preparation that we have for couples who are not already civilly married. Your preparation will focus especially on the sacramentality of marriage, and how we are called to love each other with the sacrificial love of Christ.


Many couples who are seeking Convalidation do not want a wedding ceremony, but that is exactly what a Convalidation is. A Convalidation is like any Catholic wedding that you may have attended. The prayers and vows are exactly the same as a couple who is not already civilly married. You will be making new, sacramental vows to each other, and these vows must be professed publicly, in the presence of at least two witnesses. By giving your consent to the marriage, you take on the responsibilities of a Catholic married couple. This is why preparation is such an important part of the process – so that you understand what you are asking of the Church and what is being asked of you in return.


To get started in the Convalidation process, please fill out the “Request for Marriage.” The information you provide in the request will help us to know your specific needs and get you on the best path forward for preparation and marriage in the Catholic Church.


Please note: if you were married previously to someone else, and that former spouse is still living, you will need to seek an annulment for that marriage, so you will be free to marry in the Catholic Church. Please visit our Annulments page for more information.


1. ¿Cuándo debo contactar a la Iglesia? ¿Qué días puedo casarme por la Iglesia?

Debe comunicarse con nosotros 1 año antes de la fecha deseada de su boda. Asegure la fecha de su boda con nosotros antes de asegurar el lugar de la recepción y los proveedores.


Las bodas se llevan a cabo en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (350 asientos) en:

  • Sábados a la 1:00 pm y 4:00 pm


Se pueden celebrar bodas muy pequeñas en la Capilla de la Adoración (40 asientos) en:

  • Sábados a las 11:30 am


Las bodas muy grandes pueden celebrarse en la Iglesia Principal (con capacidad para 1200 personas) los:

  • Sábados a las 2:00 pm


Otras cosas para tener en cuenta al elegir la fecha y el lugar de la boda:

  • Las bodas suelen celebrarse los sábados. Las bodas también pueden programarse los viernes, dependiendo de la disponibilidad. No podemos organizar bodas en otros días de la semana. No se pueden programar bodas los domingos, días festivos de precepto, días festivos de la parroquia o días festivos de la arquidiócesis.
  • Bodas celebradas durante los tiempos litúrgicos de Adviento (el mes que precede a la Navidad) y Cuaresma (los 40 días que preceden a la Pascua) reflejarán la naturaleza de estas temporadas más tenues. Hablando en términos prácticos, su decoración floral y de la iglesia será menos elaborada, sus selecciones de música y elección de lecturas pueden ser limitadas.
  • La Capilla de la Adoración no dispone de órgano ni de piano, por lo que le recomendamos que mantenga esto en cuenta.

2. ¿Cuáles son los costos involucrados para una boda y/o preparación matrimonial?

Tarifas de reservación de la Iglesia (Ver la póliza de alquiler de la iglesia )


Se requiere un depósito de $100 para reservar la fecha de su boda.

  • Boda en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (tiene capacidad para 350 invitados): $1000
  • Boda en la Capilla de la Adoración (tiene capacidad para 40 invitados): $500
  • Boda en la Iglesia Principal (tiene capacidad para 1,200 invitados): $1500


Honorarios de Preparación Matrimonial

  • Cuota separada de evaluación en línea Prepare/Enrich (requerida para todas las parejas que se preparan en San Antonio de Padua): $35.00
  • Cuota de Preparación Matrimonial Solamente (Doméstica): $200.00 (para parejas que se preparan en San Antonio de Padua, pero se casan en otra Iglesia dentro de los Estados Unidos)
  • Cuota de Preparación Matrimonial (Internacional): $300.00 (para parejas que se preparan en San Antonio de Padua, pero se casan en otra Iglesia fuera de los Estados Unidos)


Otros Costos

  • Celebrante: $ TBD por la pareja. Este es un regalo de agradecimiento al sacerdote o diácono que preside su boda.
  • Honorarios de la música y del técnico de A/V: Varía. Estos dependen del tipo y número de músicos que tendrán en su boda y la complejidad de la instalación A/V necesaria.
  • Acólito: $25 (para el Matrimonio dentro de la Misa)
  • Clase de Planificación Familiar Natural (opcional, pero muy recomendable): los precios varían según el proveedor.
  • Otros costos pueden ser incurridos si usted elige completar la preparación matrimonial en otra parroquia, a través de un retiro, o a través de un proveedor en línea.

3. ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva prepararse para el matrimonio?

La preparación para el matrimonio tarda al menos 8 meses en completarse si se prepara para el matrimonio y tiene su ceremonia de boda en San Antonio de Padua. Si planea casarse en otro lugar, debe agregar de 1 a 3 meses a su preparación, según el lugar de su boda. (Las bodas celebradas en otra Diócesis, otro estado u otro país aumentan el tiempo necesario para procesar los documentos).


No hay un programa “acelerado” para la preparación matrimonial. El proceso se basa en un grupo de clérigos, personal y voluntarios que se dedican a brindarle todas las herramientas necesarias para construir un matrimonio santo y duradero. Date el regalo del tiempo para prepararte adecuadamente para el resto de su vida.

4. ¿Podemos hacer que un sacerdote venga y nos case en nuestro lugar de recepción?

No. El matrimonio Católico es un sacramento y por eso se celebra en el contexto de un santuario. En casos excepcionales, con motivo grave, se le podría otorgar una dispensación especial del Obispo para celebrar su boda en una iglesia u oratorio aprobado por la Arquidiócesis de Galveston-Houston. La aprobación de esta solicitud lleva tiempo y rara vez se concede.

5. Soy católico pero mi prometido no lo es. ¿Todavía podemos casarnos en la Iglesia Católica?

Sí. Esto se llama un “matrimonio mixto”. Se le pedirá al católico que haga la siguiente declaración y promesa:

  • “Reafirmo mi fe en Jesucristo y con la ayuda de Dios me propongo seguir viviendo esa fe en la Iglesia Católica”.
  • “Prometo hacer todo lo que esté a mi alcance para compartir la fe que he recibido con nuestros hijos bautizándolos y criándolos como católicos”.


El no católico debe ser informado de esta declaración y promesa. Durante su preparación matrimonial, lo ayudaremos a completar la documentación necesaria y obtener la dispensa requerida por la Arquidiócesis.

6. ¿Puede un sacerdote católico, que no sea de esta parroquia, venir a casarnos?

¡Sí! Deberá confirmar que el sacerdote o diácono está disponible para la fecha de su boda y ayudarlo con cualquier viaje o alojamiento para él. Pídale al sacerdote o diácono que se comunique con el Coordinador de Preparación Matrimonial para que podamos asegurar la delegación adecuada para que él presida su ceremonia de matrimonio. El sacerdote o diácono también deberá obtener una carta de su Diócesis o Superior.

7. ¿Puedo proporcionar mi(s) propio(s) músico(s) en la ceremonia de mi boda? ¿Puedo elegir la música que más me guste?

Con la aprobación del Departamento de Música, un músico externo podrá participar. Si bien estamos abiertos a familiares/amigos que sirvan como cantores invitados/líderes de canciones, tenemos algunas pautas que acompañan ese privilegio. Debe estar presente un acompañante y un cantor del personal de San Antonio de Padua. Serán responsables de cantar las partes Propias y Ordinarias de la liturgia (Gloria, Aclamación al Evangelio, Aclamaciones Eucarísticas, etc.) y el Salmo Responsorial. Esto se hace ante todo para garantizar la solidez litúrgica y para aliviar el estrés potencial de los músicos/cantantes invitados. Los cantantes invitados pueden cantar himnos de procesión/recesión, himnos de ofertorio, himnos de comunión o un himno mariano (para la presentación de flores a Nuestra Señora).


Para su ceremonia, esperamos que elija la música que más le guste, sin olvidar que su ceremonia matrimonial es una liturgia sagrada. Como tal, toda la música de la ceremonia matrimonial es una oración ofrecida a Dios y, por lo tanto, debe ser apropiada para la celebración y expresar la fe de la Iglesia. Le proporcionaremos guías para ayudarle a elegir la música que más le guste y que dé honor y gloria a Dios.

8. Estoy divorciado, me he vuelto a casar civilmente y ahora busco la iglesia católica para ``Bendecir nuestro matrimonio``. ¿Dónde empiezo?

En primer lugar, debemos hablar de su matrimonio anterior. Si su ex-cónyuge aún vive, tendrá que iniciar el proceso de anulación. Incluso si se trataba de un matrimonio civil con un no-católico / católico, este matrimonio todavía necesita una anulación. Por favor visite nuestra página de Anulaciones para más información.


Si su ex cónyuge ya no vive, o si ya recibió un decreto de nulidad, puede solicitar una Convalidación para su matrimonio civil actual. Una convalidación es más que tener su matrimonio “bendecido”. Visite nuestra página de Convalidación para obtener más información.


The Catholic Church believes that marriages entered into by non-Catholics in their particular church, or wherever they may take place, are valid. In the eyes of the Church, even two atheists or agnostics who are married civilly before a judge or magistrate enter into a valid marriage. Catholics, however, are bound to observe a certain form of marriage ritual in order that their marriage be valid. Canon law—the law of the Church—requires that Catholics enter into marriage by free mutual consent that is witnessed in a church by an authorized bishop, priest, or deacon and at least two other witnesses. Marriages in which one or both parties are Catholic and which are not witnessed by an authorized bishop, priest, or deacon, or which do not receive proper permission to take place in another forum, are considered invalid in the eyes of the Church.


Simply put, If the couple has entered into a civil marriage and if either spouse is Baptized Catholic and they were not married in the Catholic Church, then they would need a Convalidation, to validate their marriage in the eyes of the Church.


Regardless of what happened in the past, the Catholic Church invites you to bring new meaning to your lives by embracing the vocation of marriage and dedicating your family’s mission to sharing God’s love.

Katie Krall
Manager of Adult Faith Formation & Sacraments


We need you! We are in need of volunteers to be Wedding Coordinators here at St. Anthony’s! About 2 weeks before the Wedding Day of a couple, the Wedding Coordinator contacts the Bride and Groom and goes over the details of their wedding ceremony. The Wedding Coordinator is responsible for running the wedding rehearsal the day before the wedding. Then on the big day, they are responsible for setting up the church, and assisting the musicians, florists, photographers, and families as they arrive for this special day and making them feel at ease as they await the ceremony to start. This is a great opportunity to be a welcoming face and a calming presence on their big day.


Wedding Coordinators must attend the training session and assist a veteran Wedding Coordinator at 2-3 weddings before becoming a Wedding Coordinator Lead. Once you become a Wedding Coordinator Lead, there is a stipend for every wedding you coordinate. A schedule of Weddings is provided to the Wedding Coordinators so they can sign up for the ones they are willing and able to coordinate.


Mary Batey, the Coordinator of Adult Formation and Sacraments, would provide you will the information about the couple that you need to know in order to run their rehearsals and the wedding ceremony.


If you are interested, please sign up for one of our upcoming training sessions.


Los coordinadores de bodas juegan un papel vital durante el ensayo de la boda, antes, y durante la ceremonia de la boda. Ellos son responsables de la creación de la iglesia antes de una boda, que incluye ayudar a las familias a medida que llegan para este día especial y hacer que se sientan cómodos mientras esperan el servicio para empezar. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si usted está interesado en ser un coordinador de bodas.

Katie Krall
Manager of Adult Faith Formation & Sacraments

Wedding Coordinator Trainings


The ending of a marriage is a difficult experience, and divorce is one of life’s tragedies. Many marriages end in divorce in spite of good intentions and the establishment of a family. We are sensitive to the pain and stress that a failed marital relationship brings to those involved. We are here to assist those who want to know more and those who want to file a petition for an annulment.


Want to talk to someone about the process and learn more about what an annulment is? Contact

Mary Batey
Communications and Chapel Manager


Information About Annulments

Types of Petition Forms

Please note…

There are different types of nullity petitions. To ensure that you do not complete an incorrect petition form, you must FIRST consult with a Case Sponsor at a Catholic parish. A Case Sponsor is a priest, deacon or lay person designated by the parish who determines what type of petition you must complete and assists you in the preparation of the petition. (There is no fee associated with obtaining a petition form or for the services of a Case Sponsor.) Contact us to get assigned a Case Sponsor. A petition will NOT be accepted without a Case Sponsor.

Formal Church Petition for a Declaration of Nullity Lack of Canonical Form Prior Bond (Ligamen) Petition Privilege of the Faith Petition