
Creating A Parish Of Transparency

As recent history and news media has reminded us, the Catholic Church is made up of broken humans. Abuse in the Church is never okay as it shatters the lives of the physical victims and violates the spiritual life of millions. While the Church is made up of sinners, we cannot accept the sin, but rather, we should have a holy hatred of the sin – for in doing so – is an act of love.

The effort to restore the moral credibility of the universal Church begins in our local parish community. At St. Anthony of Padua we are aiming to create a community of transparency and safety here in The Woodlands, TX. It is only by letting the light of Christ in that we can cast out the darkness of sin. Check back to this page for updates, information, procedures, and articles that will pertain to our local efforts to restore our Church.

“Restore all things in Christ.” –  St. Pius X

Letter to a Suffering Church” by Bishop Barron will be made available to parishioners starting July 2019. Stop by our front office to pick up your copy in English or Spanish during regular office hours.

Local Allegations
The Local Discussion

Town Hall Follow Up Podcast

Archdiocese of Galveston Logo

Cardinal DiNardo’s Latest Statement

Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), has issued the following statements on August 16, 2018 and August 27, 2018 after a series of meetings with members of the USCCB’s Executive Committee and other bishops.

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For St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church – All clergy, staff, and volunteers working with minors, vulnerable adults, or adults “in a vulnerable position” are required to maintain a safe environment at all times and be certified through the risk retention program – CMG Safe Haven. Clergy and staff require background checks before employment.

How To Report Abuse

For Minors (Under 18)

For Adults (18 & Up)

For adults who have been assaulted, please contact the local authorities at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office at 281-297-6500. If in immediate danger please call 911.

Para adultos que han sido agredidos, contáctese con las autoridades locales en la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Montgomery al 281-297-6500. Llame al 911 si está en peligro inmediato.

Abused At Another Institution?

If you are a victim of abuse at another institution (other than St. Anthony of Padua in The Woodlands, TX), it is important that you contact local civil authorities where the abuse took place to follow the protocol for that municipality.

Si usted es víctima de abuso en otra institución (que no sea St. Anthony of Padua en The Woodlands, TX), es importante que se ponga en contacto con las autoridades civiles locales donde ocurrió el abuso para seguir el protocolo de esa municipalidad.

Questions? Email Us.