Join with others to understand the Fatima message as well as the unique importance of the First Saturdays within the context of the entire Fatima Message.
Discussion content is from the book, Fatima and the First Saturdays (Paperback, 2nd edition). The Study Group covers: The apparitions of the Angel of Peace, Our Lady’s six appearances at Fatima, the three important appearances after Fatima, and crucial information related to the First Saturdays found in Sr. Lucia’s letters and locutions up to 1945.
Visit Communal First Saturday’s website for more information and to REGISTER FOR THE STUDY GROUP.
For information about the Communal First Saturday Monthly Devotion on the First Saturday of every month. CLICK HERE.
“Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) is a three-part prayer series, rooted in Ignatian spirituality and designed to help women and men learn how to pray. The three parts are taken in succession. Each part is a prerequisite for the next part.
Part 2, My 19th Annotation (30 weeks), consists of the entirety of the well-known “Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius”. The title of this part of the series refers to the 19th note that St. Ignatius wrote in his notebook. In this note he wrote that a person taken up with “public affairs or suitable business” and unable to withdraw from the world for prayer may experience the prayer of the Spiritual Exercises in his daily life.
Part 2 is conducted in a small group experience with two trained facilitators. Each group will meet for approximately two hours once a week for prayer, faith sharing and will receive material on the Spiritual Exercises and Scriptures to use for their private prayer of 30-45 minutes daily. Part 2 is 30 weeks of sessions which are divided into two 15 week semesters with a month break in the middle. These sessions will be for WOMEN ONLY and will be held online on Thursday mornings starting at 10:30am beginning on Thursday September 5, 2024.
We have been using Zoom for these sessions for several years and it does not detract from the quality of the experience. If you are not familiar with Zoom, don’t worry, we will help you with this. Any woman who has completed Part 1 of the series at any time is eligible to register for Part 2.
For any further information, either email Ginger Otto at or call 281-460-5739.
Note: At this time LTMTP is offered only to women. Only women facilitators facilitate groups for women.
The Marriage and Family Ministry hosts various events throughout the year. On Saturday’s there will be a new speaker and topic. See below for the schedule:
FORMED is the premier Catholic streaming service, bringing beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals around the world. You can now access award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, ebooks, and family-friendly kids’ programming through our St Anthony of Padua parish account — free to you and your family!
Search for our parish account and remember to add “The Woodlands” because there are lots of churches named St Anthony of Padua!
From the Office of Child and Youth Protection:
After reviewing the evaluation and in an ongoing effort to better meet the needs of parishes, the Presbyteral Council recommended that we move forward with a new on-line training program called The CMG Connect Safe Environment Program. This program provides informed quality training and content, current best practices, advanced compliance technology, and is user friendly. Beginning January 1, 2019, The CMG Connect Safe Environment program will be used by all clergy, religious, deacons, employees, volunteers, and groups in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
The Archdiocese of Galveston Houston has replaced VIRTUS with The CMG Safe Haven online training program. This training consists of 3 vignette style training videos that is approximately 90 minutes and will include a criminal background check that must be completed. These trainings are available in English and Spanish. The Diocese will no longer offer live trainings, all Safe Environment trainings will only be available online.
All clergy, employees, contracted school personnel, and volunteers over the age of 18, who work in any capacity with or around children, the elderly, adults with special needs, vulnerable adults, or adults “in a vulnerable position” are required to complete the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training. A criminal background check must be submitted and reviewed before they may begin employment or volunteer at schools or with ministries, groups, movements, and organizations. In addition, the mandatory renewal training must be completed every 5 years and a new background check submitted. The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Safe Environment compliance training and renewal training is a condition of employment and for volunteer ministry in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
St. Anthony of Padua requires all adults volunteering with our parish be in compliance with the Safe Environment qualifications.
• If you have a VIRTUS account: Log into with your previous personal VIRTUS user id and 1234 as the password. Once logged in you will have the ability to change your password. This is recommended.
• If you do not have a VIRTUS account: Log into, and follow the instructions. Note: Your legal name (on your driver’s license/passport) is the name that one needs to use when registering. Not doing so may prohibit your information from being processed.
• If you have been VIRTUS trained in the past your information has been imported to CMGConnect. Please log in to using the instructions above to verify that all your information is accurate, and you are up to date in your trainings.
• If you are not in compliance the program will direct you to the training sessions you are required to take.
You will be required to take the training every 5 years. Please make sure your email address stays up to date at the CMGConnect website since this is how training notifications will be sent. Any questions can be directed to your staff ministry lead. If you are having a problem accessing your account information you can contact our Safe Environment Coordinators.