Choosing Godparents
The responsibility assumed by a Godparent is not one to be taken lightly, and parents are encouraged to choose carefully. The Church requires that Godparents be practicing Catholics who have completed their sixteenth (16th) year, have been Confirmed, have received the sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist and who are in good standing with the Church. If a sponsor is married, the marriage must be valid and recognized by the Church. Parents may not be Godparents for their own children. It is best that both parents and Godparents attend pre-baptismal classes either at St. Anthony of Padua or at their own parish.
Ideally, both Godfather and Godmother should be Catholics. On a practical level, sometimes there is only one Catholic who must fulfill all of the above requirements. If the other sponsor is not a Catholic, he/she should be a Baptized Christian in regular attendance at a church. This person will be listed as a Christian Witness. The godparent / Christian witness should fill out the form in its entirety, sign it and return to the parents of the child.